Steffi’s sports mad family and subsequent exposure to a large variety of sports has led her to have a fascination with each and every sport and this interest strengthened whilst she attended Millfield School. It was here that she first saw how it is not just the relationship between coach and athlete that makes a difference; it was the norm to have a large team surrounding them including physiotherapists, conditioning coaches, nutritionists and, more recently, sport psychology. Psychology seems to be the missing link in ensuring that the entire team have an optimal impact on any athlete.
Steffi really enjoys this holistic approach and she is passionate about working from a similar perspective. The four key areas below are just some of the topics that Steffi explores when working with clients. With additional accredited tools to increase self-awareness, such as SpotlightPROFILE® and Firstbeat's Performance Lifestyle Assessment, you can be sure to gain a greater understanding of yourself and your performance. To read more about these tools and learn how you can access them for yourself please click here:
Please get in touch with Steffi to discuss your requirements. She is happy to work with all sports in a variety of ways; both individuals and teams, group workshops, as well as sessions with parents/coaches/support team.
Please see below for recommendations from associate brands.

Vet Physio UK
Below are listed some of the many reasons why sports psychology has an invaluable place in equestrian sport. In recent month I have begun to refer clients to a sport psychologist for a different reason. When a horse is experiencing musculoskeletal pain then can exhibit an array of undesirable behaviours. Some of which are scary and slowly (or sometimes rapidly) chip away at the rider’s confidence. Once that horse has been treated, the rider can continue to revert back to the same mind set or riding style they adopted due to the horse’s behaviour, sometimes reinforcing it. That’s not to say that in some instances the behaviours aren’t learnt or that there is still discomfort there, but anybody who has recovered from a musculoskeletal injury will know there’s a degree or discomfort associated with recovery and rehabilitation. It is always important to monitor these cases to ensure the horse’s comfort, but in some instances clients have needed help to positively adapt their mental approach so that, if the previous behaviour arises, they don’t immediately return to the negative and defeated mind set they have potentially experienced for such a long time. is based locally to me so has been able to provide face to face appointments with clients either at the yard or at home. Often these musculoskeletal issues have lead to poor performance or behaviours such as rearing/bucking/napping, all of which will slowly change how your mind approaches riding. I have found that tackling this with clients has lead to a more successful outcome when rehabilitating horses, as well as improved performance when back out competing. Steffi tailors her sessions accordingly. Sport Psychology is not just for those out competing. For some, the competition is getting off the yard and the whole way around the block or asking for canter in the arena, and there’s nothing wrong with that 😊
Wayfarer Eventing UK
A very insightful and positive session with Steffi Dampney last night , discussing & evaluating our competitive season as well as our business goals for the following year. Steffi has an amazing aptitude for recognising some key factors to help continue moving our team & business forward building towards another successful year with some bigger and even more exciting goals. Steffi has become a important part of our team & we value her knowledge & contribution. #thesportingdifference #performance #wayfarereventteamsupporter#sportspsychology